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Python Part 2 Workshop Aftermath

Last Thursday we returned to Python with a workshop presented by Charis Dimos, the presenter of the original Python Workshop and guest presenter Petros Douveas, to see some more advanced features and techniques we can use with Python.

Having a successful “Introduction to Python” and ended the workshop with the most positive feedback, Charis decided to do a Part2 of his first Python Workshop as promised.

For this second part Charis had also help from Petros Douveas.

The request for the second workshop was that the attendees wanted the workshop to be a little more security driven.

The workshop began by having a recap of the previous workshop and then explaining how to use files in Python. After that some basic security concepts were explained.

Then Charis and Petros created an analysed a simple keylogger in Python and how it works, mentioning changes in the code for becoming a more advanced one.

For the final part of the workshop, the started discussing network security and demonstrated a port scanner written in Python.

Written on May 16, 2016, by Charis Dimos
dsg, event, workshop, python,