DSG News

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DSG Open Day Aftermath

Last Thursday the DSG Team organized an Open Day for anyone interested to come and learn more about the team, its projects and purpose. In this post we go back in time and see what happened there.

The purpose of the event was to let people know our work and demonstrate some of our working projects live on stage.

The event started with the presentation of the pre-2014 projects GSM Plug, rt-OBD and V1.

Just to be clear, DSG has two timelines. The original is from 2010 to 2012 when it was first created by Dimitris, Aris, Giannis, Giorgos and Dimitris.

The “original five” were all students of the Electronic Engineering Department and the team was led by professor Stavros Karkanis.

After 2012 the team became dormant for a couple of years until 2014 when Mr. Karkanis rebooted the group and this time professor Vaggelis Spyrou was part of the supervisors alongside Mr. Karkanis.

This was then the DSG team was built as we now it today and that’s were this origin story ends and it’s time to go back to the event.

After the original projects, Stavros presented the work the team has done with the Workshops so far, its legacy and how anyone can continue its work or create something from his/her own.

Then Giorgos, DSG newest member, presented to the audience his RC Remote Control Car Via GSM Network project.

For the last minutes, the team members that were present went to the stage and answered questions from the audience. After the presentation the doors of the DSG Lab (a.k.a. Lab 130) were open for anyone to come and see the place DSG started and became what it is now and ask the members anything they wanted to know.

Written on May 28, 2016, by John Prantalos
dsg, event, workshop, open, day,
